Let me know how many out of these 5 you knew about already. If you knew all of them, you must be a power user and I’m so stoked to have you here! And if you didn’t know any, I’m glad I could teach you something 🙂 It’s the next step to becoming a power user yourself.

▶ Enroll in my Courses 💎: https://cuttothepoint.thinkific.com

▶ Book a Consultation 🤵: https://geni.us/consultation

▶ My Gear 🎥 & Books 📘: https://kit.co/cuttothepoint

▶ Other Goodies 👕: https://cuttothepoint.com/editing-goodies

▶ Resources for Filmmakers and Video Creators: https://cuttothepoint.com/tools

▶ Order my Bulletproof Premiere Pro eBook 📘 https://cuttothepoint.com/ebook1 📘

Let’s connect!

* A vector graphics used for thumbnail created by katemangostar – www.freepik.com