Andrew Kramer from Video Copilot presents a new plug-in for After Effects during an Adobe Presentation at NAB 2019
Real 3D volumetric lights with VC Nebula 3D
In der Digital Production 02/2019 gibt es 4 Artikel von mir der hier heruntergeladen werden kann:
Google Earth Studio
Mettle Mantra & Flux
Ausradiert – ProDAD Erazr
Levelator, Accusonus ERA Voice
Leveller & Waves Vocal Rider Plug-in
Einige interssante Videos passend zu den Artikeln findet ihr auf dieser Seite.
Auch einige Videos zum Osmo Pocket Artikel von Michael Radeck in diesem Heft.
Wer sich für ausführliche Tutorials zum Thema After Effects interessiert. Mein Tutorial Adobe Motion Graphics Templates - Titel erstellen mit After Effects ist bei linkedin learning zu finden.
Google Earth Studio
Mettle Mantra & Flux
ProDAD Erazr
Levelator, Accusonus ERA Voice Leveller & Waves Vocal Rider Plug-in
Osmo Pocket
Videocopilot Live Show in Berlin
Main Link – ; This is a clip from Andrew Kramer Presentation at Nab 2019 I am not running any ads on this Video this is just for Education Purpose, I am just sharing this video. If there is any problem I will remove it Andrew will share his tips and tricks on how to think...
The first teaser from the VideoCopilot Liveshow in Berlin. Thank you Andrew Kramer for coming to Europe. Hope to see you again.
Here are the first photos from the Videocopilot Live Event in Berlin. Stay tuned for more pictures, trailers, interviews and stories on Join our Facebook Group to get the latest news on postproduction, gear, software and events.
Create a procedural Glitch Effect 100% inside of After Effects! Project File: Rendering Note: I’ve heard some people having issues with Fractal Noise not rendering correctly and I think you need to disable GPU Acceleration for the Project. File-Project Settings, “Mercury Software Only”. Hope that...
3 Tutorials in 1! Create stunning Lightning with realistic reflections, Simulate realistic cloud illumination. Create directional electricity that interacts with your logo! Project Files available this week after I sleeps! The most complete lightning tutorial ever made...
Speed up your After Effects work and get stuff done faster!
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Compatibility: After Effects CC and Above
Create a procedural water effect with refraction without using any 3rd Party Plug-ins! Visit ; to download project this week! FX Console: ;