Author - Nils Calles

Nils CallesDigital Artist und Chefredakteur von
Nils Calles betreibt die Medienagentur v-cut creative visions im Musikpark 2 im Kreativviertel Jungbusch in Mannheim, wo er schwerpunktmäßig Trailer, Imagefilme und 360 Grad Webseiten produziert. Desweiteren erstellt er Tutorials für Linkedin Learning schreibt Artikel für die Digital Production und ist Trainer und Consultant für Workflows und Software im Postproduktionsbereich. Er ist außerdem seit über 20 Jahren für verschiedene Produktionen und Sender weltweit als Cutter und Compositor auf Messen und im Ü-Wagen unterwegs und bietet jetzt auch einen Livestream-Service vom kleinen 2 Webcam Setup bis zum 10 Kamera Broadcast Ü-Wagen an.

Deep Dive Into Cubase Chord Track

#Cubase #ChordTrack From helping you to create a track to completely turning a track on it’s head, Cubase‘ Chord track is a lot more versatile than most people give it credit for! Become a Patreon and receive personalised feedback: To pick up the plugins I use and support the channel...

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#Steinberg #Cubasepro #Production Heh guys, it’s Steve from Featherlight, welcome back. In the last video we talk all about the the brand new updates in Cubase 11. In this episode we are going to talk about the thing I get asked about maybe the most where Cubase is concerned, and that’s...

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Automatic tempo detection and correction

In this video I take a look at how you can detect the tempo in a stereo mix in Cubase Pro 11. After tempo detection I show how you can correct the tempo in the audio track and get it completely on the grid. Finally I take a look at two caveats in this Cubase functionality that are good to know...

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Substance Days 2022 at GDC: Keynote

Get some exciting news about product updates with the Adobe Substance 3D team. You will discover what’s new and coming up in the world of 3D at Adobe, including some exclusive sneak peeks of Substance 3D Modeler beta. Speakers: – Sébastien Deguy, Vice President 3D & Immersive, Adobe – Wes...

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FileZilla Pro in a nutshell

This short video will show you a presentation of how FileZilla Pro works and its main cornerstones. FileZilla Pro, is the file transfer tool for professionals who require precision, speed and robustness. Learn more about what FileZilla Pro offers you: How to Connect to Google Drive How to Connect...

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