Zynaptiq UNVEIL for Music Production: De-Reverberation, Clarity enhancement, „Mud“ Removal, Attenuating/Boosting „Grit“ or „Dirt“, Creative FOCUS Applications and more.
Author - Nils Calles
Digital Artist und Chefredakteur von postproduction-tutorials.net
Nils Calles betreibt die Medienagentur v-cut creative visions im Musikpark 2 im Kreativviertel Jungbusch in Mannheim, wo er schwerpunktmäßig Trailer, Imagefilme und 360 Grad Webseiten produziert. Desweiteren erstellt er Tutorials für Linkedin Learning schreibt Artikel für die Digital Production und ist Trainer und Consultant für Workflows und Software im Postproduktionsbereich. Er ist außerdem seit über 20 Jahren für verschiedene Produktionen und Sender weltweit als Cutter und Compositor auf Messen und im Ü-Wagen unterwegs und bietet jetzt auch einen Livestream-Service vom kleinen 2 Webcam Setup bis zum 10 Kamera Broadcast Ü-Wagen an.
Video showing some of what UNVEIL can do for you in a Post-Production for film, broadcast, games and sound design situation. Examples include de-reverberation, up-mixing, ambience attenuation, hiss reduction, on-screen/off-screen placement and more.
An overview of what the Zynaptiq UNFILTER Adaptive Tonal Contour Linearization processor can do for you.
(Best viewed in HD & Full-Screen) Zynaptiq UNCHIRP is an audio-plugin that removes artifacts caused by lossy audio encoding & other FFT processes, like spectral denoising. Reduce musical noise and high frequency chirping (a.k.a. „underwater sound“ or „warbling“)...
Zynaptiq PITCHMAP Version 1.5.0 Adds Support For VST, RTAS And AAX On Mac OS X And Windows — And More.
Boost Or Attenuate Drums In Mixed Music. Best viewed in HD using studio monitors.
Video trailer for version 2 of our real-time audio morphing plug-in, MORPH, for AU, AAX, RTAS and VST on Mac & Windows. The video includes sound examples of creature voices, robot voices, hybridized musical instruments, drum-loop morphing and surreal morphed ambiences.
Zynaptiq WORMHOLE Multi-Effects Processor Plugin „Flavor“ Trailer: Confidential Lab Report PI 42.
Video Editing Collaboration Made Cleaver Let’s talk this time about an alternative to Frame.io from Dropbox, called Replay. How cleverly it has been integrated with Davinci Resolve 17.4 to make video collaboration easy and affordable. 0:00 Prologue 0:11 Intro 1:19 Alternative 1:26 Davinci...
Today’s question: Has anyone ever used Dropbox as a collaboration platform for video editing?
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