Author - Nils Calles

Nils CallesDigital Artist und Chefredakteur von
Nils Calles betreibt die Medienagentur v-cut creative visions im Musikpark 2 im Kreativviertel Jungbusch in Mannheim, wo er schwerpunktmäßig Trailer, Imagefilme und 360 Grad Webseiten produziert. Desweiteren erstellt er Tutorials für Linkedin Learning schreibt Artikel für die Digital Production und ist Trainer und Consultant für Workflows und Software im Postproduktionsbereich. Er ist außerdem seit über 20 Jahren für verschiedene Produktionen und Sender weltweit als Cutter und Compositor auf Messen und im Ü-Wagen unterwegs und bietet jetzt auch einen Livestream-Service vom kleinen 2 Webcam Setup bis zum 10 Kamera Broadcast Ü-Wagen an.

Elysion | Complete Theme Playthrough

In this complete theme playthrough you will hear all of the themes included in Elysion. And with all, we literally mean all of the more than 230 themes. As this is a rather long video, you can jump right to your preferred section in the video by clicking the links below. Enjoy the video. Among all...

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What’s New | The Orchestra Complete 2

THE ORCHESTRA COMPLETE 2 as the flagship of our „The Orchestra“ product family combines the force of the original 80-piece orchestra with new articulations and powerful new features. It includes our new instrument „HORNS OF HELL“ as well as „STRINGS OF WINTER“...

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Elysion | Walkthrough

New Software Instrument by Best Service and Sonuscore What is future? How does your universe sound? What does infinity mean? Elysion is our big answer to big questions! A huge and incredibly fast scoring tool, perfectionated to fill the space with inspiration. Score the future and experience the...

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Hania Rani – Live from Studio S2

Listen to ‚Live from Studio S2‘: The full live set video was premiered on the evening before the annual Piano Day worldwide celebrations (March 29th). The motivation to make the recording of the live performances which became the release ‘Live from Studio S2’ came from the invitation...

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