Soundly strives to be the only Sound effect platform and SFX library you’ll ever need – and we can’t reach this goal without carefully listening to our users. That’s why we have made it even easier to request sounds directly from the Soundly app and our website. If you can’t...
Soundly’s new ad „You Say Scream. We Say How High.“ was filmed in Tijuana, Mexico. Director Ola Martin Fjeld and his team at Empirica did a fantastic job, and Jesús Avalos documented the filming process in this behind-the-scenes footage. Soundly was delighted by the results, and...
Video Editing Collaboration Made Cleaver Let’s talk this time about an alternative to from Dropbox, called Replay. How cleverly it has been integrated with Davinci Resolve 17.4 to make video collaboration easy and affordable. 0:00 Prologue 0:11 Intro 1:19 Alternative 1:26 Davinci...
Today’s question: Has anyone ever used Dropbox as a collaboration platform for video editing?
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Dropbox Replay is a free feature that allows you to collaborate on your videos with other people. They can then comment and markup the videos as well as change their revision status. If you or someone else needs to update a new version, you can do that as well and then you can upload videos from...
My not sponsored endorsement for Dropbox as the backbone of my editing life. I use it to back up, share and upload my project files, final exports and frequently used assets. Sign up for Dropbox: Now, Dropbox is certainly not the only cloud service on the block. I prefer it over Google Drive...
Never go with your first edit. Learn how to use Dropbox Replay’s integration with DaVinci Resolve for sending video links for review, approval, collaboration, or presentations with synced timeline markers, so you never lose track of any notes. ——————————————————————— Affiliate links below...
weitere Videos auf – Am Messestand von Zynaptiq konnte ich mir das neue Plugin Unveal zeigen lassen.
Zynaptiq introduces two new plug-ins @ Musikmesse 2016 : Adaptiverb & Wormhole | OUR LAST VIDEOS : Discover the best of Audiofanzine each week in video : | Software & audio equipment : | Guitars review : | NAMM 2015 : | AES 2014 : | Follow us on Facebook : | Follow us on Google + : |...
Wer viele und große Hallräume einsetzen möchte kennt das Problem. Das Originalsignal wird verwaschen und ist schlecht zu orten. Mit Zynaptiq Adaptiverb kann man reichlich Raum geben ohne das Signal im Hallmatsch verschwinden zu hören. Weitere Videos:
The „Tight“ algorithm in Morph is great for percussive material. Listen as drums ooze their way into a sustained orchestra chord and become the dominant event shaper.
At NAMM 2013, Future Music saw this demo of Zynaptiq PITCHMAP – a software plug-in that allows for real-time, polyphonic pitch correction.
A video showing some of ADAPTIVERB’s sound design skills – somewhere between showing sound examples and explaining some of ADAPTIVERB’s functionality.
ADAPTIVERB on Piano: Basic Sustain, Reverb and Harmonic Contour Filtering Examples.
Introducing Zynaptiq INTENSITY – a new type of audio processor for mixing, mastering and sound design. Built on techniques typically found in facial recognition algorithms, INTENSITY brings out a sound’s inherent detail, increases its perceived loudness and density, and adds what we can only...
(Best viewed in HD & Full-Screen) Restore your sound’s natural frequency response with UNFILTER, remove reverb and masking effects with UNVEIL, get rid of the most objectionable types of codec/denoiser artifacts with UNCHIRP, and change the pitches inside of mixed music on the fly with...
weitere Videos auf – Pitchmap erlaubt das Extrahieren und Bearbeiten individueller Sounds in gemixten Signalen und Aufnahmen! Das Ganze passiert auch noch in Echtzeit und stellt somit eine Weltneuheit dar.
Auf dem Stand von Zynayptiq konnte ich mir das neue Plugin genauer ansehen.
Denis Gökdag präsentiert Zynaptiq unveil, pitchmap & unfilter auf der Musikmesse 2014 in Frankfurt. Krasser geht’s nicht!
Denis Gökdag presents Zynaptiq unveil, pitchmap & unfilter at Musikmesse 2014 in Frankfurt. Awesome!
Hey editors! Josh here with another VEGAS Pro 17 tutorial and this time I’ll be showing you how to easily create a slideshow with VEGAS Pro 17’s new automatic slideshow creation tool! No more wasting time draging and dropping pictures in and individually messing with them to get it...
Getting Precise Audio Cuts and A Perfect Loop In VEGAS Pro 19 ——————————————- Check here for lots of solutions, links, more editing help, and support the channel! Notice: I’m a Magix and Amazon Affiliate...