In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe talks managing your settings in Media Composer | First, the new, free, version of Avid Media Composer. We cover all the settings that you need to make sure that you editing experience is as smooth and easy as it can possibly be. Channel:
In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe talks about getting media into Media Composer | First, and it’s done via the Source Browser. The Source Browser works the same as in the full version of Media Composer, BUT, there’s a fantastic „downgrade“ to the Transcode window, that has a...
In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe gives you an overview about Bins, and how to get in and not only create Bin Views, but also how to quickly sift through your bins, add and remove column information, and even play back thumbnail footage directly inside of the bin itself. MC|F’s bins really...
In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe gets you off and editing by talking about basic editing techniques inside of Media Composer | First. Not only does he cover getting clips into your timeline, but he also discusses important concepts like timeline quality but he also shows you a great command that...
Want to make the next blockbuster hit using Avid Media Composer | First? Check out this tutorial to get you started on the basics of this powerful program!
Software used: Media Composer | First 8.9.1
Tweets by redarrowindust
The FREE, full-featured video editing tool is here! Avid Product Solutions Specialist Michael Krulik demoed just how easy it is to cut and share content with Avid’s latest tool – perfect for students, aspiring filmmakers, and vloggers. See how quickly you can cut together footage, utilize tons of...
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Grass Valley shows EDIUS 9 at the IBC Tradeshow in Amsterdam for the first time. It will be released in November. All customers who buy EDIUS 8 after September 1st will get a free Upgrade to EDIUS 9 (see: As in the past (see EDIUS 8 and the many free 8.x Updates) will EDIUS 9.x...
Read more:
Grass Valley EDIUS 9 is the latest version of an NLE that’s popular with broadcasters worldwide (Windows only). It brings a complete end-to-end HDR workflow.
Our detailed interview about new upcoming Edius 9 NLE. Main feature of release will be support for HDR and Rec 2020 color space.
Make sure to check
Talk with Steve Jaeb about general advantages od Edius 9 ecosystem. What make it different from similar editors. Are the options without subscription still available?
In this video we will introduce the new features of EDIUS 9.00 to you – including the HDR Workflow.
To find out more about EDIUS please visit
Grass Valley zeigt EDIUS 9 auf der IBC Tradeshow in Amsterdam zum ersten Mal. Es wird im November erscheinen. Alle Kunden, die EDIUS 8 nach dem 1. September kaufen, erhalten ein kostenloses Upgrade auf EDIUS 9 (siehe: Wie in der Vergangenheit (siehe EDIUS 8 und die vielen...
In the first part of my look at EDIUS 9.0 I look at the major new feature to be added – HDR and project colour spaces.
HDR is the main new feature of EDIUS 9 but there are some other changes as well – some small and some quite significant.
You can read more about EDIUS here:
You can order EDIUS 9 with DVC support here:
In diesem Video erklären wir Ihnen, wie Sie Ihre Plug-ins in EDIUS 9 integrieren können.
Die aktuellen Plug-in Installer finden Sie unter:
Weitere Informationen, Tipps und Tricks, die kostenlose 30 Tage Testversion und mehr erhalten Sie unter:
Als EDIUS 9 Kunde bekommen Sie den NewBlue Titler Pro 5 kostenlos. Die umfangreiche Titelsoftware erlaubt dank vielfältiger Gestaltungsmittel das Erstellen von professionellen Intros, Titeln, Bauchbinden, Abspännen und Animationen. In diesem Podcast zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie die Software...
Nutzen Sie über 1 Milliarde Farben in Ihren Videos (und nicht nur 16 Millionen). In diesem Video erklären wir Ihnen den Export in MP4 (H.264/AVC) mit 4:2:2 (Farbunterabtastung). Dieses Video-Training ist Teil unserer Serie „Die neuen Funktionen in EDIUS 9“. Damit Sie kein Video...
80% Der EDIUS User Exportieren Falsch, wenn es sich um H.264 oder auch MP4 Daten handelt. Das weil EDIUS als standard die falsche Auswahl vor gibt. Sie glauben das nicht, dann lassen Sie ein Kommentar hier unten. Ich höre gerne ein andere Meinung. Abonnieren wenn Sie unsere EDIUS Filter haben...
„Transient“ [tran-shuh nt, -zhuh nt, -zee-uh nt] Adjective. not lasting, enduring, or permanent; lasting only a short time; existing briefly. Philosophy. person or thing that is transient, especially a temporary guest, boarder, laborer, or the like. Electricity. a sudden pulse of...