
How to power your iXm Recording Mic

This video tutorial shows you how to power your iXm Recording Mic with the help of a USB cable. Make use of the iXm’s dual power source. On top to the integrated battery, the iXm offers a battery compartment for three AA batteries to add additional operating time. Yellowtec’s iXm...

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How to check the iXm’s remaining operating time

This video tutorial shows you how to check the remaining operating time of your iXm Recording Mic. All you need is a simple combination of buttons and LED signals will show you all the information about your battery and memory status. Yellowtec’s iXm Recording Mic comes as an easy-to-use...

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How to choose the right iXm Mic Head

This video tutorial shows you how to choose the best mic head for your iXm Recording Mic depending on your recording environment. Therefore, we offer various interchangable iXm Mic Heads to adjust the iXm to the environment your recording in. You have the choice between different recording...

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Link Colors in Ae with Brightness Control

download iExpressions at Linking Colors in After Effects can be done very easily with the pick-whip and expressions. But what if you do not need exactly the same color, but a brighter or darker variant of it? With iExpressions you can create links that take the color of the linked property and then...

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