
How to use Skype with vMix using NDI®.

This tutorial will show you how to connect Skype to your live video production in vMix. With the Skype Content Creators update, you can now use NDI with Skype and vMix. You can use NDI to a Skype call directly into your live stream! The NDI Virtual Camera is now called NDI Virtual Input, but...

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Using vMix Virtual Sets

In this video we’ll go over how to use virtual sets in vMix. Use a green screen to layer yourself into a studio without having to build one! Virtual Studio Sets- Virtual Set Works- — vMix is live video production software that allows you to produce, record and stream from 1 PC! You can...

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Snap To Rotated Grids in After Effects

download GridGuide at In this quick tip want to show you that with GridGuide for After Effects, you can even snap to rotated grids. Transcript: In this quick tip want to show you that with GridGuide for After Effects, you can even snap to rotated grids. GridGuide’s grids are shape layers, so you...

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Animate Jumping Letters in One Minute

download Squash & Stretch Pro at In this tutorial we keyframe some jumping letters in After Effects in no time. With the help of our extension Squash & Stretch Pro, this complex looking animation is so easy to create Transcript: Let me show you how we create this animation in After...

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