Mocha VR brings native 360°post-production tools to cinematic VR filmmaking. This short video covers the workflow for roto and masking on 360/VR video footage. Masks can be rendered back to the host application for isolated color correction and many effects tasks. Animated masks can also be...
Working in 360/VR presents often time-consuming challenges. Mocha VR, our revolutionary new plug-in based on Mocha’s Academy Award-winning planar motion tracking, will save you lots of time and open up high-end VFX possibilities on 360/VR projects. Product Specialist Mary Poplin gives an...
Mocha VR brings native 360° effects & post-production tools to cinematic VR filmmaking. This short video covers the unique Object Removal module used to remove camera rigs and unwanted elements from your scene. Remove Camera rigs, shadows and unwanted pixels. Features: 360° Planar Motion...
mocha VR is a plug-in and standalone application being developed for 360 video post-production and visual effects tasks such as masking, motion tracking, object & rig removal and image stabilization. mocha VR Beta version 2 is now in a public testing phase before the commercial release. This...
Mocha VR is a groundbreaking new plug-in bringing high-end VFX workflows to 360°/VR filmmakers. Based on Imagineer’s Academy Award-winning planar tracking algorithm, Mocha VR brings native 360° optimized motion tracking, masking, object removal and stabilization tools to: Adobe Premiere Pro CC...
Charles Yeager ( shows us how to take a regular After Effects project file, and turn it into a 360 video. He starts with an asteroid project file that he created 3 years ago using Element 3D, and converts it into 360 video using „SkyBox Composer“ a new module in SkyBox...
GoPro VR Reframe is the only plugin for Adobe Premiere Pro CC allowing you to reframe your 360 video in standard video, like a super skilled camera operator.
Create the ultimate director’s cut from your 360 videos !
This plugin is included with Autopano Video 2.5 :
In this tutorial, you will learn how to upload 360º Video to YouTube and Facebook. Go to this url for step-by-step instructions..
*Added Premiere 2017 VR metadata support
In this tutorial, you will see several examples where you will see different kinds of lens and which RE:Lens tool to use for what purpose. Cameras and lenses used: Ex. 1) – (00:15) Wide-angle lens used on GH4: Panasonic 7-14mm f/4 Beating the edge of frame over-stretching with RE:Lens Defish...
Here we use RE:Lens™ to generate multi-camera views from a single fisheye lens shot.
See for more info.
In this example, we use RE:Lens™ to convert super fisheye footage to latitude-longitude format suitable for 360 viewers.
More info here:
RE:Lens‘ new spherical stabilization is easy to use and works directly on 360 VR and fisheye footage. More info here:
Footage copyright 2017, RE:Vision Effects, Inc.
In this tutorial, you will learn the basics of how to use the „Spherical Stabilization“ feature within RE:Lens Superfish, ToLatLong and FromLatLong.
Author: Lori Freitag
Company: RE:Vision Effects
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Einfaches Praxisbeispiel zur Storyboard.Funktion von Mync. Außerdem lernen wie hier auch, wie Hochkkant-Videos gedreht werden können.
In diesem Video stellt der zertifizierte EDIUS Trainer Gavin Lucas, dass kürzlich veröffentliche Programm Mync von Grass Valley vor.
Das GV Browser Tutorial ist in unserem Shop erhältlich unter:
Weitere Lernkurs zu Grass Valley Edius finden Sie hier:
Mit der Version EDIUS 8.32 wurde Mync implementiert. Mync hieß früher GV Browser und wurde um wichtige Funktionen erweitert. In dem Video erfahren Sie mehr über das Tool und die Integration in EDIUS. Weitere Informationen, Tipps und Tricks, die kostenlose 30 Tage Testversion und mehr erhalten Sie...
NUKE 7 – Relighting Workflow – Tutorial 04 von 06 – In dieser Tutorial-Reihe zeigt Helge Maus / pixeltrain den Aufbau und die Verwendung von ReLighting-Funktionaliäten von NUKE 7 in Zusammenarbeit mit CINEMA 4D R15. Die hier gezeigten Techniken können problemlos auch in anderen 3D...