Die „Weihnachtsmusik“ habe ich mit Loopcloud Loops in Ableton arrangiert und dabei von den vorgestellten Plugins heftigen Gebrauch gemacht.
Das virtuelle 3D Studio wurde in Adobe Stager erstellt.
In der Digital Production 06/2021 gibt es einen Artikel von mir der hier heruntergeladen werden kann:
Einige interssante Videos passend zu den Artikeln findet ihr auf dieser Seite und hier ist ein Link zu einer in Stager produzierten virtuellen Studio auf einer interaktiven 3D Webseite.
Wer sich für ausführliche Tutorials zum Thema After Effects interessiert. Mein Tutorial Adobe Motion Graphics Templates - Titel erstellen mit After Effects ist bei linkedin learning zu finden.
Adobe Substance Stager

Adobe Substance Tools
Adobe Substance Sampler dient dazu, nahtlose Texturen zu erstellen.
Adobe Substance Designer generiert prozedurale Texturen und mehr.
Adobe Substance Painter ist der Photoshop für 3D-Objekte. Man kann hier aber nicht nur mit Farben auf 3D-Objekte malen, man kann auch mit dreidimensionalen Texturen Dinge wie Reißverschlüsse, Nieten, Kratzer oder Nähte aufbringen. Ähnlich wie in Photoshop wird hier mit Ebenen gearbeitet, auf die Texturen oder Masken gemalt werden können. Die Malwerkzeuge
können bis ins Detail konfiguriert werden. Mit Generatoren und Filtern lassen sich zum Beispiel Rost, Steine oder Flecken auf den Oberflächen verteilen.
In this video we take a look at how to export a Substance Painter project to a Photoshop PSD file using the new PSD Export plugin that ships with 2.3.
PSD Export Plugin GitHub Project:
In this video, we take a look at the new Geometry Mask feature in Substance Painter 2021.1.
MAT’s back and he needs a new look! For this second edition of the 3D Painting Contest, the Substance team is going all out. A completely new MAT, a world-class jury, awesome prizes, many resources – all dedicated to making sure that you have the absolute best texturing conditions! Learn...
Adobe Substance Painter 7.3 is here with some major features and improvements. and today we would take a look at how they work Read Up : █████████████████████████████████ – – DISCORD: – – █████████████████████████████████ GET Character Creator 3.3 – GET HEADSHOT CC:...
Roberto de Rose is co-founder and art director of SOA Academy, an international training center for archviz, and is well known for his comprehensive tutorials on that platform. A passionate expert in Substance Designer, Roberto will showcase some innovative ways to use this tool to speed up your...
This video was created for a specific Facebook group by me, for our weekly project:
This channel is focusing on Adobe Dimension. If you’re curious what I’m doing you can follow me here:
Sébastien Deguy, our Vice President, Guido Quaroni, Senior Director of Engineering, and the Adobe Research team will give you a sneak peek at our upcoming product releases and current research and development projects.
In this video we will use the Shape Splatter node to create small level shapes (dirt mounds ).
Today, fashion goes digital. With Nicolas, learn about the fashion industry today, and its efforts to use 3D to enhance the creative process of stylists around the world. Discover the creation of a procedural textile with Pauline. See how she uses Substance to build photorealistic weaves and...
In this series you will learn Substance Designer by creating your first base material. In this video we will look at exposing parameters, publishing and exporting textures.
Source files can be downloaded here:
In this series you will learn Substance Designer by creating your first base material. In this video we will focus on creating a rust layer.
Source files can be downloaded here:
In this series you will learn Substance Designer by creating your first base material.
Source files can be downloaded here:
Substance 3D Sampler is basically a tool for creating materials out of single or multiple photo images. It is a powerful tool. You can create materials from scratch or blend materials and create completely different ones. We use all of the Substance 3D collection software together. If we need the...
In this video we take a look at how to use Image to Material AI powered. We also cover how to tile materials and take a look a various options and workflows for tiling and removing repetition in the tile. Substance Alchemist Project and source input image available on Substance Academy...
Hey guys, This is the first part of a tutorial that will explain you how to make a „squash“ node with Allegorithmic Substance Designer. At the end of this video, you will already get an almost functional squash node driven by math… If you like this video, don’t hesitate to...
Learn Blender Fast: In this video we are going to look at the new update to the Substance suite, now Adobe substance and what it means for you. If it is a bad thing for consumers and how to navigate the upgrade. I hope that you enjoy this alternative content. Hayden from blendertutorials.org...
Premiere Transcription Tool
Creation Effects
Diese Animationen sind alle mit den Presets in dem After Effects Template Creation Effects Landscaper erstellt worden. Sie sind allerdings mit einem Wasserzeichen überlagert.
This tutorial shows how to create trippy, psychedelic effects in Adobe After Effects, using the „Creation Trippy Effects“ template. Learn more at . Creation Trippy Effects is an After Effects template featuring 28 trippy looks for your footage, 35 hypnotic and mesmerizing animations, 20...
This After Effects tutorial shows how to make infinite fractal animations that zoom in forever. It uses the the „Endless Fractals“ effect, which is part of the „Creation Trippy Effects“ template, available at . To learn how to loop your zooming fractal animation, see this...
This After Effects tutorial shows how to make trippy infinite tunnels in After Effects using the „Creation Trippy Effects“ template. Learn more at . Create endless 3D tunnel animations, and customize them with easy-to-use slider controls. Create custom camera movements as you fly...
This tutorial shows how to use the Freeze Scan and Time Warper effects, which are part of the „Creation Trippy Effects“ template for After Effects, available at CreationEffects.com/creation-trippy-effects.html. The Freeze Scan, aka Time Warp Scan, is a popular filter for phones, but you...
„Creation Trippy Effects“ is a huge collection of custom trippy or psychedelic effects for Adobe After Effects. Learn more at . Creation Trippy Effects is an After Effects template featuring 28 trippy looks for your footage, 35 hypnotic and mesmerizing animations, 20 custom titles...
These 200 customizable, animated titles are available as a single After Effects template called „Creation Title Effects“, updated in 2021, and available at . Full Description: This time-saving After Effects template is a collection of 200 custom, animated text styles for editors and...
See what’s new in this 2021 update of „Creation Title Effects“ for After Effects. Create an endless variety of titles and text styles. Learn more at Full Description: „Creation Title Effects“ is a collection of 200 animated titles for editors and motion designers...
This tutorial shows how to create 3D landscapes in Adobe After Effects using the „Landscaper“ template from Creation Effects. Learn more at . This video is heavily edited for time’s sake, so it moves fast! Template Description: The Landscaper template allows you to create stunning...