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Stabilized precomps are one of the most powerful features of MochaImport+. In V6 you can send masks or 2d properties (the position of layers or effect control points) from the main comp to a stabilized precomp, or vice versa.
In less than three minutes this tutorial shows you how to do this and why it is so useful for your compositing work in After Effects.

used stock footage:


Hello, this is Eric D. Kirk for and in this tutorial I want to show you a new feature of MochaImport+ V6 – namely how to send masks from stabilized precomps into the main composition and vice versa.

If you don’t know what stabilized precomps are, please first watch our tutorial about using stabilized precomps.

Now let’s start with the sample project from our stabilized precomps tutorial, where we added this part of the building here inside a stabilized precomp. Now let’s say for whatever reason you need these masks here inside the main composition. Then all you need to do is to select the masks and click on this icon here. Now you can see that we have copies of our masks inside the main comp and they move accurately with the track!

The same works also in the other direction: for sending masks from the main comp into a stabilized precomp. In this example I added this text here inside a stabilized precomp. The one thing we want to change is that the car should be on top of the text. I already rotoscoped the car in mocha and imported the masks here into the main composition.
Now we can simply select all these masks, again click the “send” button of MochaImport+ and all masks are copied into the stabilized precomp.

Note that all the movement and distortion that happens inside the precomp is applied to the masks properly and they still accurately match the shape of the car – although the car looks very distorted in this perspective.

We can use the masks as a track matte for our text, for example, such that the car is on top of the text now. As always, these changes are now also visible in the main composition.

The same works not just with masks, but also with 2d properties like the position of layers.
Let’s say, you need the center of the letter “O” here in the text, for example. Then inside the precomp, we can simply create a new null, place it at this point, select its position and send it to the main comp. As you can see, now we have a new null in the main composition that follows this location accurately.

So this is all you need to know to send masks and other properties into and out of stabilized precomps.
Again, this is Eric D. Kirk for – see you next time!