
FMX 2017 – Pick of the Next Day #3 Art, Technology and Business meet at FMX, Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Transmedia, Europe’s most influential conference for digital entertainment. Every year, artists, specialists, scientists, producers and other key people that work with moving images come to FMX to...

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FMX2017 – Pick of the next day #1 Art, Technology and Business meet at FMX, Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Transmedia, Europe’s most influential conference for digital entertainment. Every year, artists, specialists, scientists, producers and other key people that work with moving images come to FMX to...

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FMX 2017 – Pick of the Next Day #2 Art, Technology and Business meet at FMX, Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Transmedia, Europe’s most influential conference for digital entertainment. Every year, artists, specialists, scientists, producers and other key people that work with moving images come to FMX to...

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Advanced Spin FX Tutorial

Create a dynamic spectral animation without 3rd party plug-ins.
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-Build high-tech design elements.
-Use audio to create dynamic animations.
-Create circular Lighting Array.
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Grid Experiment Tutorial

Create an intricate grid design inside of After Effects using only built-in plug-ins. EDIT NOTE: Title Templates Revision: To create the Title Template comp: 1. Use Text tool to add text. Add a white stroke on black type. 2. Pre-Compose by choosing „LAYER-PRECOMPOSE all Attributes“. 3...

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C4D2U – 01 Substances in CINEMA 4D verwenden

Dieses Videotutorial ist Teil der vierteiligen Tutorialreihe „CINEMA 4D to UNITY Workflow“. In dieser Lektion behandelt der 3D- & VFX-Trainer Helge Maus ( die Ideen hinter der Verwendung von Substances und deren grundsätzlicher Einsatz in CINEMA 4D R18. Dabei erklärt er die...

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VR NOW at FMX 2017 – Wheelhouse

Wheelhouse – an empathy VR experience at FMX 2017 Get to know the VR NOW talent initiative of Animationsinstitut (Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg) which provided alumni from the region with know-how and equipment to develop two VR prototypes. Wheelhouse (by Martin Nerurkar), is one of them and...

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